Thank you for sharing this Ralph. Such a great explanation of the power of visuals. As someone who is really interested in creating visuals, this really has helped put into words why I’m so interested in visuals. Any other suggested reading on this topic?

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As an abstract artist , what you said here and the way you explained the scale of perception re abstract images and realism is so helpful to me. Today I had an Open Studio day and I often explain my art concepts to people. I love the way, (once the artwork has been explained) , people can be very touched and even emotional about a completely abstract artwork! Why? because it is a concept made real without being real-istic (and therefore specific ) . An abstract image allows people to connect with the IDEA behind it. I find that this kind of art appeals to deep thinkers. Thank you for sharing your wonderful clarity and the drawings are perfect.

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Danke Herr Ammer für Ihre klaren, logischen und ideal visualisierten Erklärungen!

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